Monitoring Hi-Tech Enterprises Inc. offers the highest quality central station alarm monitoring service available. Our company will offer you the benefit of state-of-the-art technology, a commitment to excellence, and professional courteous relations on a 24 hour 7 day per week basis. Our technicians offer you 25 years of experience in our field of expertise. Our telecommunications employees have backgrounds in emergency medical services, fire, law enforcement, and are trained to handle your emergencies. Our monitoring system is designed to handle fire, medical, burglary, panic, duress, residential, police connect, Hold-up and protective signaling services. Our continuous service is provided through fault -tolerant computers that provide a fail-safe environment for our customers. All equipment has UPS an surge protection features, however, should power failure occur we have backup generators fully capable of supplying power until original power can be restored. We at Hi-Tech are constantly striving to find more efficient ways to better serve you. It is this strong commitment to customer service and satisfaction that distinguishes us from other monitoring companies.